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Full text of "Proceedings and address of the second convention of delegates, held at the city of Trenton, on the fourth July, 1814, to the people of New-Jersey"

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THE  FOURTH  JULY,  181*, 




Of  a  Convention  of  Delegates  of  the  People  of 
New- Jersey,  chosen  in  the  several  counties  of 
said  state,  and  held,  by  public  appointment,  at 
the  city  of  Trenton,  on  the  4th  of  July,  1814. 

The  Delegates  being  assembled  at  ten  o'clock  proceeded  to  the 
nomination  and  choice  of  a  President  and  Secretary,  and  did 
unanimously  appoint  the  honorable  WILLIAM  COXE,  Presi- 
dent, and  Franklin  Davenport,  Esq.  Secretary. 

On  motion.  Ordered^  That  the  names  of  the  Delegates  be  In- 
serted in  the  minutes,  as  follows  : — 

John  Outwater, 
Robert  Campbell. 

Aaron  Ogden, 
John  N.  Camming, 
Jonas  Wade, 
Philemon  Elmer. 

John  N.  Simpson, 
Daniel  Snowhill, 
Moses  Morris, 
John  Vanclcve. 

Richard  Stockton, 
Abraham  A.  Duryea, 
Frederick  Frelinghuysen, 
Joseph  Annin, 
Thomas  King, 
John  Frelinghuysen, 
Martin  Schenck, 
Andrew  Howeil, 
Frt'derick  Vcrmule, 
William  Worth, 
James  Kinscy, 
Henry  Bl.'.ckwell, 
John  Strykcr, 
John  W.  Scott. 

John  G.  Cooper, 
Mahlon  Ford. 

Thomas  Henderson, 
Elias  Conover, 
William  Lloyd, 
Robert  Montgomery, 
Richard  S.  Hartshorne, 
Garret  P.  Wikoff, 
Moses  Spronle. 

James  Stevenson, 
William  Potts, 
Ralph  H.  Smith, 
Charles  D.  Greei:, 
John  Phillips, 
Lewis  Phillips, 
William  Maxwell, 
Aaron  D.  Woodrutl, 
Enoch  Hunt, 
Alexander  Chambers.. 
John  Scudder, 
Lucius  H.  Stockton, 
Nathan  Beakes, 
Benjamin  Yard., 
Charles  Ewing, 
David  Manners, 
Israel  Caxle, 


Richard  M.  Green, 
William  M'Gill, 
John  Schenck, 
John  Lequear. 

William  Coxe, 
William  Griffith, 
Charles  Ellis, 
Richard  Cox, 
William  Iriclc, 
Samuel  J.  Read, 
William  Earl, 
John  Wright, 
Caleb  Earl, 
Cleayton  Newbold, 
William  Pearson, 
Richard  L.  Beatty, 
Benjamin  Hollinshead, 
Samuel  Haines. 

Franklin  Davenport, 
Joshua  L.  Howell, 
Job  Eldridge, 
Dayton  Lummis, 
John  Kinsey, 
John  Roberts, 

Robert  Pearson, 
Elias  D.  Woodrufl; 
Edward  Sharp. 

Clement  Acton, 
Josiah  Harrison, 
Abraham  Boyce, 
Joseph  Cook, 
Philip  Freas, 
Charles  Seely, 
John  Tuft. 

James  Giles, 
Josiah  Seely, 
Ichabod  Compton, 
William  B.  Ewing, 
Richard  Campbell. 

Jacob  S.  Thomson, 
Robert  C.  Thomson, 
Caleb  Dusenbery, 
John  Kinney,  jun. 
Ezekiel  Dennis. 

Joseph  Falkinburge, 
Robert  M.  Holme?. 

On  motion.  Resolved,  That  this  Convention  will  proceed  to 
eonsider  on  the  alarming  state  of  public  affairs,  and  particularly 
on  the  means  for  constitutionally  and  speedily  relieving  the  peo- 
ple of  this  state  from  the  dreadful  and  increasing  evils  and  dan- 
gers of  mis-government  and  war. 

Whereupon,  after  full  debate  on  the  principles  and  measures 
proper  to  be  adopted  at  this  time  for  the  foregoing  purpo«es,  it 
was,  on  motion,  ordered  that  a  committee  be  appointed  of  thir- 
teen members,  (each  county  delegation  naming  one)  to  report  a 
Ticket  for  Congress,  draft  Resolutions  and  an  Address  to  the 
People  of  New-Jersey,  in  conformity  to  the  instructions  and  sense 
of  this  Convention — and  that  they  report  at  four  o'clock  in  the 

Whereupon  the  following  delegates  were  chosen  for  said  com- 
mittee : — 

i'V  Bergen,  Robert  Campbell. 

Essex,  Aaron  Ogdcn. 

Middlesex f  John  Vancleve. 

Somerset^  Richard  Stockton. 

Monmouth^  Thomas  Henderson. 

Hunterdon^  Charles  Ewing. 

Jllorrhf  John  G.  Cooper. 

Bur/ingtofif  Willianr^  Griffith. 

Gloucestery  Joshua  L.   Howell. 

Salem^  Josiah  Harrison. 

Cumberland,  William   B.  Ewing. 

SusseXf  Caleb  Dusenbery. 

Cape-Mayj  Joseph  Falkinburgc. 

The  Convention  adjourned,  to  meet  again  at  four  o'clock  in 
the  afternoon. 

Afternoon,  4  o'clock. 
The  Convention   being  assembled  again  at  said  hour — present 
as  before — the  coi^imittee  appointed  in  the  forenoon,  made  report 
by  Thomas  Henderson,  their  chairman,  as  follows  ; 

I.  On  the  subj-ict  of  a  Congress  Ticket,  that  in  consequence  of 
the  death  of  the  honorable  Jacob  Hufty,  and  it  being  made  known 
to  your  committee  that  the  honorable  Richard  Stockton,  James 
Schureman  and  William  Coxe,  decHne  a  re-nomination  for  the 
next  Congress,  it  became  necessary  to  form  an  entire  new  ticket 
for  the  consideration  of  the  Convention. 

Your  committee  have  performed  this  delicate  and  important 
duty,  with  entire  unanimity,  and  with  all  that  care  of  selectioa 
and  respect  to  local  circumstances,  that  the  case  seemed  to  admit 
of  :  In  regard  to  local  distribution,  (which,  however,  should  ev- 
er be  a  subordinate  consideration)  we  have  confined  ourselves  to 
the  principle  contained  in  the  late  district  laiv.  The  names  which 
follow  will  shew  that  of  the  twelve  persons  proposed  as  candi- 
dates,/o«^  are  taken  from  each  of  those  districts.  We  hope  this 
will  meet  the  approbation  of  all.  Your  committee  propose  the 
following  six  persons  to  be  voted  for  by  the  "  Friends  ef  Peace" 
in  New-Jersey,  as  Representatives  in  the  next  Congress  of  the 
United  States,  viz  : 

JAMES  GILES,  of  Cumberland. 

SAMUEL  W.  HARRISON,  of  Gloucester. 

JAMES  PARKER,  of  Middlesex. 

JOHN  FRELINGHUYSEN,  of  Somerset. 

JACOB  S.  THOMSON,  of  Sussex. 

JOHN  N.  CUMMING,  of  Essex. 
And  as  by  death,  or  from  other  causes,  vacancies  may  occur 
in  this  nonunation,  we  have,  (observing  the  same  rule  of  locality) 

rccommciided  the  following  persons  as  substitutes  in  such  case, 
in  the  order  stated,  viz  : 

William  B.  Ewing,  of  Cunnberland. 

Benjamin  Champneys,  of        do. 

John  N.  Simpson,  of  Middlesex. 

Samuel  Bayard,  of  Somerset. 

Robert  Colfax,  of  Morris. 

John  Outwater,  of  Bergen. 

2.  Your  committee  also  propose  WILLIAM  B.  EWING,  to 
be  voted  for  by  the  "  Friends  of  Peace,"  as  a  Representative  in 
the  Congress  of  the  United  States,  in  the  place  of  Jacob  Hufty, 
Esq.  deceased. 

3.  On  the  subject  of  Resolutions  and  an  Address,  we  report 
unanimously  those  which  virill  be  presented  by  our  chairman. 

Signed,  in  behalf  of  the  committee, 

Whereupon,  after  some  progress  made,  the  Convention  ad- 
journed, to  attend,  with  other  public  bodies  and  private  citizens, 
an  Address,  by  Lucius  H.  Stockton,  Esq.  at  the  Presbyterian 
Church,  in  Trenton,  delivered  at  the  request  of  the  Convention. 
Adjourned  until  8  o'clock  in  the  evening. 

Eight  o'clock  in  the  evening. 
The  Convention  met — present  as  before. 
Unanimously  Resolved,  That  the  thanks  of  this  Convention  be 
given  to  Lucius  H.  Stockton,  Esq.  for  the  eloquent  and  able  Ad- 
dress delivered  this  day  before  the  Convention,  at  their  request ; 
and  that  General  John  N.  Cumming,  Colonel  Joshua  L.  Howell, 
and  William  Griffith,  Esq.  members  of  this  Convention,  do  pre- 
sent this  resolution,  and  request  from  Mr.  Stockton  a  copy  of  the 
Address  for  publication. 

The  Convention  resumed  that  part  of  the  report  of  the  com- 
mittee which  respects  a  Congress  Ticket,  and  after  full  considera- 
tion, adopted  the  same. 

Whereupon,  on  motion,  Resolved,  That  it  be  recommended  to 
the  free  Electors  of  New- Jersey,  to  support  the  following  six  per- 
sons as  Representatives  of  this  state  in  the  next  Congress  of  the 
United  States,  viz  : 







and  also  to  support  WILLIAM  B.  EWING,  as  Representative 
in  Congress,  in  the  place  of  Jacob  Hufty,  Esq.  deceased. 

And  this  Convention  most  earnestly  recommends  to  their  fel- 
low-citizens unanimity  and  zeal  in  promoting  its  success.  Con- 
sidering that  to  preserve  our  country  from  the  destroying  policy 
of  the  men  in  power,  nothing  short  of  a  determined  and  united 
effort  of  the  people  to  remove  them,  can  be  of  any  avail.  And 
this  Convention  doth  further  recommend,  in  case  of  vacancies 
happening,  the  substitution  of  the  names  of  those  gentlemen  re- 
ported by  the  committee,  in  the  order,  and  from  the  parts  of  tlje 
state,  as  reported. 

The  Convention  proceeded  to  consider  the  Address  and  Reso- 
lutions reported  by  the  committee — which  being  read,  debated  and 
amended — on  the  question  whether  this  Convention  do  agree  to 
the  same,  it  was  unanimously  voted  in  the  alBrmative.  And  fur- 
ther, it  was  resolved  that  the  said  Address  and  Resolutions,  to- 
gether with  these  proceedings,  be  inserted  in  the  minutes,  and  be 
signed  by  the  president  and  Secretary  of  this  Convention  ;  that 
five  thousand  copies  be  published  and  distributed,  in  a  pamphlet 
form,  among  the  several  counties  of  this  state,  in  such  mamner 
and  proportions  as  may  be  deemed  expedient  -,  and  that  Charles 
Ewing,  G.  D.  Wall  and  Wm.  Potts,  Esqs.  be  a  comnxittee  to  per- 
form this  duty. 

Signed,  by  order  of  the  Convention, 

WM.  COXE,  President 
F.  Davenport,  Secretary. 

Tr&nton,  July  4,  1814. 







THE  a£lual  calamities  brought  on  our  country  by 
evil  councils,  and  the  dangers  which  furround  it,  feem  to  have  ar- 
rived at  an  extremity  demanding  the  immediate  interpofition  of  the 
people.  The  capacity,  virtue  and  policy  of  the  two  parties,  have 
had  a  fair  trial ;  the  people  have  only  to  compare  the  past  with  the 
present,  in  order  to  decide  between  them.  Professions  and  pre- 
tenfions  are  cafily  fet  up,  and  often  lead  nations  as  well  as  individ- 
uals to  diflionour  and  ruin. 

The  federal  republicans  of  thefe  dates  appeal  to  facts,  con- 
fcious  of  pure  and  ardent  attachment  to  the  conflitution  and  lib- 
erties of  their  country,  eflabliflied  by  their  oivn  hands  and  coun- 
cils. L'rofeflions  and  boviftings  made  no  part  of  their  claim  to  pub- 
lic confidence.  We  reft  our  abui"ed  principles  and  meafures,  fel- 
low citizens,  on  yonx  senses  ;  by  thefe  let  the  Waihingtot;  policy  be 
decided.  Under  the  federal  adminiftration  of  Wafhington  i?ndhis 
fuccelTor,  a  period  of  but  twelve  years,  the  people  of  thefe  ftates, 
from  imbecility  and  impoverifhment,  rofe  to  a  height  of  profper- 
ity,  witha  rapidity  unexampled  in  the  hiftory  of  nations — a  iztk. 
not  controverted  by  any  enlightened  citizen.  The  American  nama 
and  charncler  were  held  in  honour  abroad  -,  ftrength  and  union 
protected  and  cemented  the  ccfcileracy  ;  no  fpirit  of  hoftility  or 
envious  feeling  were  tlien  foltered  by  the  men  in  ofhce,  aimin^; 
deftruclion  at  the  vital  interefts  of  the  c;mtnerdal  and  atlantic 
states  :  the  profperity  of  one  was  that  of  all.  Justice  prev;i::ed, 
both  public  and  private.  The  fountains  of  national  profperity  were 
laid  open.  Navigation,  commerce  and  the  intcrefl'^  they  con)pre- 
hend — thofe  of  the  husbandman,  the  merchant,  the  Ihip  owner  and 


the  public  revenue,  all  rofe  to  a  fudden  and  unrivalled  perfe£lion. 
^eace  maintained  with  all  the  world,  though  fl-aken  by  revolutions 
and  the  tempefl:  of  human  crimes  and  paflions.  Wafhington  and 
his  council  could  not  be  feduced  or  driven  from  the  uife  haven 
of  neutral  and  impartial  juftice.  We  all  remember  the  loud  clam- 
ors raifed  in  his  time  againft  Ettglatid  by  the  French  or  war  par- 
ty in  the  United  States,  but  he  refifted  them  and  faved  his  coun- 
try. He  would  not  risk  the  mij^hty  blelTmgs  in  poflefllon  on  the 
chances  of  war,  nor  plunge  his  country  into  untri-d  fcenes  of  hor- 
ror and  certain  evils,  on  queftionable  points  of  maritime  contro- 
verfy — far  lefs,  without  preparation,  and  under  circumftances 
rendering  failure  and  dilhonor  inevitable.  In  that  period,  the 
whole  face  of  fociety  exhibited  one  progrefTing,  fmiling  profpecl 
of  general  and  individual  happinefs. 

Not  only  did  riches,  honeftly  acquired  In  the  arts  of  peace  and 
induftry,  flow  in  upon  the  citizen,  whatever  his  calling  or  profef- 
fion,  but  the  public  treasury  was  made  to  overflow.  Never  did 
any  men  in  office,  (notwithftanding  the  calumnies  of  the  time) 
eftablifh  more  truly  and  firmly  the  fotwdaticns  of  public  wealth, 
and  provide  the  means  of  public  juftice.  The  credit  and  honour 
of  the  nation  were  untarniflied  and  every  where  refpefted.  The 
great  departments  of  government,  executive,  legiflative  and  ju- 
dicial, were  filled  and  dire£led  by  native  Americans,  pofleffing 
the  knowledge  of  their  ftations.  The  men  who  prefided  in  our 
councils^  ftate  and  federal,  purfued  a  fafe,  ftraight  and  honeft  pcltcy. 
They  nought  not  wars  to  gratify  their  palTions,  or  the  purse  and  the 
blood  of  their  fellow  citizens,  as  the  means  for  their  continu- 
ance in  power.  Their  meafures  and  their  objeds  were  purely 
American.  They  ftruck  out  no  vifionary  theories — were  influsnced 
by  no  ralh  and  vindictive  palFions,  but  proceeded  on  the  fure 
grounds  of  praHical  wiftiom  and  prudent  Itigillation.  In  a  word, 
who  does  not  remember  with  pride  (and  regret  that  it  is  paft)  the 
wide  exttnded  znd  substantial  happinefs  enjoyf.d  by  the  American 
people,  flowing  from  the  pilicy  of  Wafliington,  and  thofe  whom 
he  loved  and  honoured  with  his  confidence — the  federal  repubh- 
cant  of  the  United  States. 

Let  the  rejlecling  and  candid  citizen  compare  that  period  with 
the  prefent — the  counciJs  and  policy  which  then  prevailed— tiic 
men  who  then  poflcfled  the  confidence  and  proteded  the  inter- 
efts  of  the  people,  and  the  meafures  and  fuccefs  of  their  admin- 
iftrations.  Let  the  comparifon  be  made,  and  who  but  muft  deep- 
ly deplore  the  artr,  delufions  and  incapacity  by  which  American 
ciiizcHS  have  been  ftripped  of  their  profpcrity,  and  reduced  to 
all  the  extteDoitiea  which  now  overwhelm  our  country- 

Let  the  people  of  New- Jersey  in  particular,  who  have  no  inter- 
eft. in  this  war,  eftimate  their  lolVes  by  the  interdidion  of  the  coaft- 
ing  trade,  by  war  prices,  by  increafed  taxes,  and  view  the  prospect 
before  them. 

Had  the  last  twelve  years,  like  the  firft,  been  devoted  to  a  peace- 
ful policy,  and  to  the  attainment  of  thofe  immenfe  bt  nefits  which 
our  neutrality  afforded,  while  all  the  world  befides  were  in  arms. 
J/  knowing  the  dangers  of  war  vihtxt  power  only  decides,  and  ef- 
pecialiy  the  danj^ers  of  a  maritime  war,  defencelefs  as  we  were, 
and  expofed  at  every  point ; — z/,  whilft  we  protefted  againft  ag- 
grelTions  and  violations  on  fuppofed  rights,  not  endangering  our 
country,  nor  eflentially  checking  the  career  of  national  greatnefs, 
we  had  prepared  to  aflert  them,  by  fteadily  perfevering  for  a  course 
of  years  in  laying  the  foundations  oi  their  fupport,  cultivating  and 
increafing  population,  national  wealth  and  national  happinefs  and 
union  ; — //our  neiv  rulers  had  proceeded  to  build  up  confidence 
at  home  by  purfuing  the  fteady  paths  of  juftice,  and  exhibiting 
themfelves  in  the  light  of  pradical  ftatesmen  and  patriots,  gov- 
erning for  the  people  and  not  for  a  party  ; — if  they  had  aimed  at 
giving  permanency  to  constitutional  principles,  had  cultivated  the 
intereft  and  union  of  the  (laces,  been  the  friends  of  commerce^  of 
a  gradual  increafe  of  naval  ftrength  and  maritime  defence  ; — if 
they  had  with  wife  and  paternal  feeling,  healed  the  wounds  of  par- 
ty by  moderation  and  equal  juftice,  confidcring  only  the  general 
good  ; — if  they  had  been  fatisfied  with  the  honour  of  securing  and 
strengthening  the  nation,  by  purfuing  a  cautious  and  honefl.  neu- 
tralityy  giving  no  offence  to  contending  powers  by  indire£l  aid, 
irritating  partialities,  and  fetting  up  pretenfions  in  the  hour  of 
their  diftrefs  ; — if  in  (hort,  they  had  pursued  the  policy  which 
was  bequeathed  to  them  when  they  came  into  power,  and  aug- 
mentcd  the  mighty  ftock  of  national  profperity  received  at  the 
hands  of  the  federalists  j  whom  they  traduced — what  nvight  now 
have  been  the  envied  condition  of  America  !  The  human  mind 
(had  fuch  men  and  councils  prevailed)  could  with  difHculty  efti- 
mate  her  progrefs  in  wealth,  in  population,  in  the  means  and  pof- 
feffion  of  revenue — in  national  Ilrength,  and  in  permanent  and  im- 
n\ovi}o\e  foundations  of  national  glory  and  individual  happinefs. 

Thefe  ftates,  with  fuch  immenfe  boundaries,  fo  difperfed  a  pop- 
ulation, fo  rich  but  expofed  a  territory  and  commerce,  required 
many  years  of  peace,  before  war  could  be  fafe  or  honorable  ;  but 
to  the  fhame  and  mifery  of  our  country,  no  fuch  views,  feeling  or 
wifdom  actuated  the  councils  which  succeeded  thole  of  Wafliing- 
ton.     The    very  condition  on  which  the^  claimed  power  and  ob- 



taincd  it,  was  to  overturn  the  policy  which  had  prrvailed  ;  and 
this  indeed  is  the  only  promife  which,  fatally  for  the  country,  they 
have  kept. 

It  were  ufelefs  now  to  review  the  a£ts  of  calumny  and  the  de- 
lufive  pretexts  which  placed  thofe  men  in  power,  who  for  the  lad 
fourteen  years  have  f«//-ruled  thefe  dates ;  and  it  were  endlefs  to 
bring  before  the  American  people  all  thofe  enormities  of  abufed 
truft,  of  ignorance,  rafli  councils,  party  violence  and  luft  of  of- 
fice, which  have  at  length  laid  national  and  individual  profperity 
in  fearful  ruins.  The  recollections  of  the  people  of  this  and  of 
every  ftate  muft  fupply  ihc  particulars  of  that  long,  unbroken  fe- 
ries  of  misrule  and  abufe  of  official  authority,  which  has  reduced 
them  to  this  deplorable  condition.  This  convention  can  only 
prefent  an  ouilific,  and  mod  willingly  would  they  be  fpared  from 
a  retrofpect  fo  painful  and  difgufting,  were  it  not  for  the  hope 
of  fome  good  from  the  recital.  It  may  conduce  to  a  change 
of  the  prefent  authors  of  fo  many  evils,  and  ferve  in  future  to 
wain  our  country,  if  once  again  reftored  to  its  loft  bleflings,  fiom 
yielding  to  specious  innovations  and  promlfes  of  vifionary  reform. 

The  American  people  may  hereafter  fet  a  greater  value  on  tried 
friends,  on  practical  wifdom,  and  on  substantial  liberty  and  prof- 
perity. It  is  now  made  evident  to  us  all,  and  to  the  world,  that 
the  reforms  which  were  promifed  have  confifted  in  dangerous 
and  extravagant  innovations,  in  pernicious  experiments,  and  in 
multiplying  offices  and  grafping  at  the  paltry  obje6\s  of  party  in- 
fluence and  official  emolument.  They  have  ended  as  was  foretold, 
in  the  violation  of  all  found  principles  of  American  government 
and  policy,  and  in  the  a'flual  deftruclion  of  every  great  national 
interefl.  Navigation,  trade,  revetme,  increafing  wealth,  union, 
public  character,  conflitutional  principles,  and  all  the  foHd  acqui- 
fuions  which  lie  at  the  foundation  of  permanent  national  ftrength 
and  independence,  have  well  nigh  disappeared. — To  fill  up  the 
meafure  of  our  calamities,  an  odious,  hopelefs  and  mofl  devour- 
ing luar^  is  entailed  on  the  land  The  whole  btnt  and  employ- 
ment of  thofe  in  power  for  fourteen  years,  has  been  to  engage 
men's  minds  in  hopes  and  fears,  from  ufelefs  and  pernicious  pro- 
je£ts  of  legiflation  and  politics.  Inflead  of  preserving  what  had 
been  fecured,  and  augmenting  the  national  fecuruics  and  means, 
in  a  plain,  honeft  and  uiuleviating  courfe  of  public  re£litude  and 
wifdom,  thi  y  have  kept  the  country  in  one  continued  flate  of  fnf- 
fering  and  commotion,  the  more  effcdlually  to  jullify  their  abfurd 
felfish  and  ambitious  deligtis. 

There  fcems  to  have  been  no  fundamental  rights  of  the  Ameri- 
can people — no  nationai  intercstSf  which  in  this  fhort  term  have  net 


been  violated  or  facrlficed  ;  and  this  by  the  men  who  obtained  and 
liave  kept  power  by  profefling  and  promifing  to  preferve  and  fe- 
cure  thofe  interefts  and  rights  more  effe^ualiy  than  their  prede- 

In  their  hands,  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States,  once 
fo  venerated  and  always  io  necefl'.try  to  tJie  liberties  of  the  people, 
has  been  broken  in  almofl  every  article.     The  fa£ts  are  notorious. 

Military  law  has  been  eftabliOie*!  to  enforce  revenue  laws. 

Private  property  has  been  wrefled  from  its  peaceable  pofleflbr, 
without  legal  procefs,  by  the  military  under  executive  orders. 

Innocent  citizens^  feized  by  military  force,  have  been  torn  from 
their  homes,  tranfported  to  the  feat  of  government,  and  difcharg- 
cd  without  accufation,  or  redrefs  tor  ruined  chara£lers  or  fortunes. 

Commissions  lawfully  ifTued  and  completed,  have  been  illegally 
withheld  from  the  citizens  appointed,  by  the  preceding  prefident, 
only  becaufe  partizans  were  to  be  gratified. 

The  habeas  corpus  a5i,  the  only  praOical  fecurify  againfl  tyran* 
nical  abufe  of  perfonal  liberty,  has  been  fufpended  in  time  of  peace, 
and  this  merely  to  overawe  fr.edom  of  opinion. 

Judicial  quejlions^  frequently  on  the  revenue  laws,  often  mofl 
penal  in  their  nature,  have  been  determined  by  edicts  of  the  execu- 
tive,  contrary  to  their  legal  purport  and  obligation  on  the  citizen. 

The  independence  of  the  Judges  has  been  taken  away  by  the  le- 
gislature, on  the  recommendation  of  the  executive.  The  office 
of  Judge  is  made  dependent  on  the  nvill  of  prefidents  and  party 
majorities,  againft  the  exprefs  terms  of  the  confl:itution,jleclaring 
«'  they  fliall  hold  their  office  during  good  behaviour." — Thus,  by 
a  fingle  ftroke  of  ufurpation,  making  one  independent  department 
of  the  government  subject  to  the  will  of  the  other  ;  and  in  effect, 
fubjedting  men's  liviss,  liberty  and  property,  to  judges  dependent 
on  party,  and  not  on  their  "  good  behaviour"  or  redlitude  in  office. 

A  whole  article  of  the  conftitution,  and  one  independent  branch 
of  the  government  has  been  annihilated,  fetting  a  precedent  and 
productive  of  confequences,  fatal  to  the  rights  and  liberties  of  the 
people,  as  fecured  by  themselves. 

To  perpetuate  their  ^c/zV/Vrt/ afcendencc,  and  in  violation  of  the 
principles  and  intcrefts  of  the  confederacy,  a  pernicious  aristoc- 
racy of  STATES  and  persons,  has  been  created.  This  has  been 

By  making  neiu  states  in  that  quarter  of  their  influence,  favour- 
ble  to  a  fouthern  domination  and  Virginia  dynafty. 

By  employing  immenfe  fums  taken  from  the  trcafury,  in  the 
purchase  of  an  useless  foreign  country.,  and  converting  it  into  ftatca 


for  the  fame  purpofc  of  multiplying  official  dependents,  and  giv- 
ing preponderance  to  Virginia  and  the  fouthern  dates,  in  the  na- 
tional legiflature  and  councils. 

By  changing  the  conftitution  in  the  mode  of  choofing  the  pres- 
ident and  vice-prend/rnt,  by  which  the  larger  dates  arc  enabled  to 
controul  the  fraaller,  and  make  traffic  of  thcfe  important  offices. 

By  the  monftrous  ufurpation  of  nominating  a  president  and  vice 
president  at  the  seat  of  government^  in  the  vortex  of  intrigue,  and 
under  the  fmiles  and  patronage  of  the  candidate  propofed,  inflead 
of  leaving  the  nomination  to  a  free  and  unbought  people.  ' 

"Ry  proscribing  men  for  their  opinions,  and  banifhing  from  trull 
and  employment,  the  friends  of  Wafliington  and  his  policy,  there- 
by depriving  the  nation  of  the  counftls  and  fupport  of  its  wifeft 
and  beft  ciiizens,  and  alienating  men's  minds  from  the  love  of  each 
ctlier  and  their  common  country. 

By  multiplying  offices  and  falaries,  and  appointing  officers  civil 
and  military,  without  experience  or  knowledge,  remarkable  chiefly 
for  party  violence  and  incapacity,  confequently  more  dependent 
on  the  will  and  opinions  of  the  prefident,  and  his  weak  but  rafti 

By  conferring  high  offices  on  ftrangers,  pofleffing  no  attach- 
ments but  to  the  party  which  upholds  them,  and  by  thefe  inftru- 
mcnts  flrengthening  themfelves  in  office  at  the  rifque  of  expofing 
the  people  to  the  intrigues,  ignorance  and  paffions  of  foreign 
agents — men  who  it  mufl  be  evident  cannot  love  our  country, 
nor  care  for  or  underftand  its  interefts. 

And  finally,  by  violating  the  freedom  of  fpeech  and  opinions, 
overawing  eledlions,  and  introducing  terror  and  military  defpotifm. 

Taking  a  view  of  legislative  and  executive  conduct,  a  fcene  of 
weaknefs  and  deplorable  mis-rule  unfolds  itfelf.  The  American 
freeman  who  reviews  all  this  mafs  of  political  intrigue,  imbecility 
and  corruption,  may  well  exclaim  "  Give  us  back  peace  and  the 
honefl  policy  of  Wafhington."  Year  after  year  has  pafled  away 
in  bufy  and  officious  mischief — In  holding  out  falfe  hopes — In  am- 
biguous presidential  messages — In  feigned  negociations — In  multifa- 
rious projects,  and  in  contradictory  and  futile  resolutions — In  vain 
boasting,  and  inflammatory  speeches — In  imbecile  threatening  againft 
one  foreign  government  and  abject  fubmissions  and  even  aid  to 
another,  more  infolently  a  ivrong-doer. 

By  all  this  the  public  mind  was  kept  diftracted,  and  the  great  pur- 
pofes  of  fteady,  ufeful  government,  overlooked  or  abandoned. — 
The  fubftantial  intereds  and  profperity  of  the  nation  literally  and 
ihamefully  facrificcd. 


Novelties,  moft  inconsiftent  with  our  ancient  habits,  and  mod 
injurious  to  American  rights  and  interefts,  have  been  introducfd 
and  perfevercd  in,  to  the  almoil  entire  fubverslon  of  the  forma 
of  American  policy. 

Such  extraordinary  acts  of  governrtient  too,  have  proceeded 
from  the  very  men  who  affected  to  condemn  them  as  anti-repub- 
iican  and  defpotic.      Thefe   novelties  consift — 

In  secret  legishitioti,  hiding  from  the  people  the  opinions  and 
conduct  of  their  agents — Cioied  doors  and  concealment,  have  be- 
come habitual,  and  continued  from  day  to  day.  The  American 
people  at  this  moment  are  kept  in  ignorance  on  points  of  vital  im- 
portance to  their  interefts  and  honor — 

In  Presidential  Recovimendaiioris,  adopted  by  the  legislature,  in 
cafes  calling  for  the  moft  mature  reflection  and  enquiry,  without 
either.  All  inveftigation,  even  oi  facts,  rrfufed,  thereby  putting 
thegreateft  national  rights  on  the  iiTue  of  executive  veracity,  or  his 
infallible  judgment,  remarkable,  perhaps,  for  neither.  Moft  of 
the  monftrous  and  pernicious  plans  which  have  funk  the  coun- 
try to  its  prefent  condition,  came  to  the  reprefentatives  of  the  peo- 
ple, not  for  discussion,  but  adoption — 

•  In  preventing  free  debate^  whereby  the  reprefentatives  of  the  peo- 
ple oppofed  to  the  meafures  of  adminiftration,  under  an  arbitrary 
rule  of  the  majority,  have  been  deprived  of  their  eHential  rights, 
and  the  rights  of  the  people  to  the  opinions  and  fervices  of  their 
reprefentatives  violated — 

In  repressing  the  right  and  freedom  of  petition  zgz\n?i  grievances. 
The  people's  remonftrances  and  requefts  being  ordered  to  lit  on 
the  table,  or  contemptuously  thrown  aside  to  a  diftant  day — 

In  the  invention  of  permanent  fyftems  of  embargo,  mn-impor' 
tation,  and  non-intercourse,  by  land  or  water,  even  along  our  ovrn 
coafts — Perfeveringly  followed  up  for  near  the  term  of  two  presi- 
dencies—Syftems  firft  introduced  by  the  tyrant  of  France,  and  to 
him  ufeful  in  promoting  his  grand  fchemes  of  univerfal  conqueft, 
but  to  America,  novel  and  deftructive  to  the  laft  degree — Syf- 
tems calculated  to  bear  down  and  impoverifh  the  commercial  ftates, 
to  deprcfs  our  own  products  and  raife  the  price  of  foreign — toex- 
tinguifli  national  revenue,  (hips  and  failors'  rights,  to  encourage 
fmuggling  and  immoral  evasion  and  breach  of  the  laws.  Syfterae 
of  legiflation,  in  (hort,  fatal  to  induftry  and  the  productive  arts  of 
life,  and  beyond  all  queftion  more  injurious  to  thefe  ftates  than 
luar  itfelf,  in  as  much  as  the  fuffering  fell  wholly  on  curselves — 
other  nations  looking  on  unhurt  by  thefe  infatuated  acts  of  felf- 
deftruction,  rejoicing  to  fee  this  fihis  and  profperouj  country. 


which  aimed  death  at  them,  falling  the  victim  of  its  own  wrath 
and  folly. 

With  refpect  to  the  public  refources  and  wealth  that  have  been 
annihilated — 

The  men  in  power,  who  profcflbd  economy,  have  far  exceeded 
not  only  the  preceding  adminiftrations  in  expenditure,  but  any 
which  ever  before  fquandered  the  fubftanceof  a  patient  and  confi- 
ding peopl©. 

Before  this  war,th«y  had  received  not  lefs  than  two  hundred  mil- 
lions of  dollars  into  the  treafury  :  all  this  (except  about  30  millions 
paid  on  the  old  debt)  was  fpent  or  fquandered  without  ftrengthen- 
ing  the  nation,  or  adding  a  fingle  important  item  to  the  stock  of 
American  fecurities.  Not  even  a  frigate  was  added  to  the  federal 
navy,  but  offices  and  falaries  were  continually  multiplied. 

Fifttftn  millions  paid  for  ufelcfs  territory,  and  to  fill  the  coffers 
of  Bonaparte. 

Vaft  fums  expended  in  fruitlefs  or  injurious  cmbaffies,  and  oa 
diplomatic  favourites. 

The  navy,  army  and  civil  lift  expenfes,  were  enormous,  and  yet 

Untold  thoufands  were  drawn  from  the  treafury  in  proje^ls  ufe- 
lefs  and  difreputable  to  the  nation. 

In  building,  equipping  and  maintaining  gun-boats. 

In  secret  fervice  monies. 

In  torpedo  experiments,  and  in  paying  English  impostors  ior  the 
purpofe  of  calumniating  Ameuczn patriots. 

In  (hort,  the  expenditures  of  peace  were  little  lefs  than  thofc 
which  might  have  fupported  a  fuccefsful  war. 

In  onr  foreign  relations,  the  fame  infatuated  policy  prevailed. — 
The  ufurper  and  tyrant  was  countenanced,  obeyed,  and  all  his  pro- 
jc£ls  admired. 

France,  jacobin  France,  was  courted  and  aided,  whilft  fiie  in- 
fulted  and  plundered  us,  and  her  enormities  as  much  as  polTible 

England  was  threatened  and  iiritatcd — treaties  with  her  rejcd- 
ed — her  ambaffadors  deceived  and  fent  away,  and  every  means 
adopted  to  create  and  keep  alive  refentment,  and  prepare  for  her 
dcftrudion  by  a  long  fought  war,  when  the  propitious  moment 
(hould  arrive. 

Spain,  fighting  againft  the  tyrant  for  her  liberties,  caufed  no 
fympathy  :  Spain,  tliat  fought  for  American  liberty,  poffefled  not 
even  their  good  wiflies.  On  the  contrary,  they  wilhed  fuccefs  to 
her  deftroyer.   They  denied  her  hread,  refufed  her  ambaflador,  and 


and  in  her  dlftrefs  f«i2eci  upon  her  territories,  and  countenanced 
the  invafion  of  her  provinces,  placed  as  they  were  under  the  fafe- 
guard  of  American  faith  and  honour- 

"With  Tripoli,  Algiers  and  tlie  Indian  tribes,  there  has  fcarcely 
been  a  ceflation  from  wars,  tribute  and  expense. 

The  invafion  of  the  Indian  country  and  burning  their  towns  in 
1810,  lighted  up  the  vengeance,  and  brought  upon  our  frontier 
all  the  horror  of  the  united  favagc  tribes. 

Thus  did  the  adminiftration  condu6l  with  foreign  governments, 
getting  deeper  into  European  quarrels.  They  exhaufted  and  waft- 
ed the  refources  of  our  country,  in  contemptible  fchemes  for  ftar- 
ving  colonifts,  or  raifing  infurreflions  among  European  manufac- 
turers. In  pafTing  laws  conditioned  to  make  them  keep  the  peace^ 
or  go  to  war  with  us  ;  thus  entangling  ouifelves  in  nets  of  dc- 
flru£lion  made  by  our  own  hands. 

This  race  in  the  road  to  ruin  feemed  nearly  run — but  one  enor" 
imiy  yet  remained  ;  and  finally,  after  exhaufting  the  national 
refources  in  twelve  years  of  prodigal  waftefulnefs,  wearing  out 
the  national  fpirit,  creating  difunion  of  the  ftates,  and  general  dif- 
afFedion  to  their  fchemes  of  mrfrule,  without  preparation,  and 
fcarcely  with  a  real  pretext^  they  DECLARED  WAR  againft 

Fellow  Citizensy  we  have  not  language  to  depift  the  fenfe  we 
entertain  of  this  death  blow  to  the  beft  hopes  and  interefts  of  our 
beloved  country. 

How  can  thofe  in  the  (late  or  general  government,  who  fo  rafh- 
ly  plunged  their  country  into  war,  unprepared,  and  againfl;  an  en- 
emy fo  powerful,  anfwer  to  God  or  to  the  People  for  the  dreadful 
coNSEctyENCEs.  Surely  they  (hould  no  longer  be  trufted  by  their 
fellow  men. 

This  war,  as  was  mbft  certain  it  muft,  in  fuch  hands,  under  fuch 
circumftances  and  on  fuch  grounds,  has  progrefled  in  (hame,  lofs 
and  difappointment.  It  has  been  conduSled  with  a  folly  and  prof- 
ligate wastefulness  of  the  people's  blood  and  money,  in  fo  (hort  a 
time  unexampled  in  the  annals  of  the  world. 

What  do  we  all  bear  witness  to  but 

A  fickle,  divldc«t  and  difonayed  cabinet. 

Ufelcfs  armits  employed  on  th'   lakes  and  devouring  the  land. 

Militarf  ccmmatidii-s  without  skill,  facriiicing  brave  men,  cap- 
tured, defeated  or  difgraced  at  every  point,  throwing  the  blame 
on  the  adminiftration,  and  the  adminiftration  on  them  ! 

An  exhaufted  if  not  a  bankrupt  treafury. 

A  deftroyed  commerce  and  agriculture. 


A  capturej  or  blocked  up  navy. 

Our  coafting  ved'els  and  trade  demoliftied  on  two  thoufand  miles 
of  feaboard. 

Immenfe  Loans — government  receiving  eighty-five  dollars,  and 
pledging  the  people  to  pay  one  hundred  to  the  lender  ! 

Multiplied  and  increafing  taxation  on  all  the  neccllrries  of  life 
— the  excife  fyftem  mofl;  inequitably  bearing  on  the  poor. 

Double  duties,  war  prices,  the  exportation  of  fpecie,  and  no 
export  of  our  own  products,  giving  difconttnt,  and  wc  fear  a  dif- 
folving  confederacy^. 

A  defperate  adminiftration  who  refufe  peac*  and  are  (bedding 
the  blood  and  fpending  the  fubftance  of  Americausy  on  queftions 
about  the  rights  of  Englifh  faiiors  and  emigrants. 

A  pe'.ple  impoveriflied,  di{tra£led  with  apprehenfions,  expofed  to 
fire  and  fword,  torn  from  their  homes,  and  bleeding  at  every  point 
on  a  circumference  of  five  thoufand  miles. 

A  ftupendous  fyftem  of  public  frauds  and  delinquency  among 
contradling  army  agents,  and  the  hoft  of  retainers  upon  govern- 

Yet,  not  a  s'wgle  national  obje£l  fecured  ! 

Is  not  all  this  the  fruits  of  tivo  years  of  ivar^  and  prefent  to  our 
fenfes  .'* — And  is  Great-Britain  humbled  ?  is  Canada  taken,  after 
the  lofs  of  ten  thoufand  men  and  one  hundred  millions  of  dollars, 
with  all  the  other  more  dreadful  mifchiefs  of  this  war  ;  or  are 
we  not  bafHed  and  diftionoured  by  the  mifcondu6l  of  the  men 
who  govern  atid  command  ^  By  thofe  men  who  are  calling  on  us 
even  yety  to  fupport  them  and  their  measures  !  Have  we  eftablilhed 
fallor's  rights,  or  any  right,  or  has  It  ever  been  made  known  what 
we  arc  fighting  for  .''  On  the  contrary,  are  we  not  now  merely 
fcrambling  for  our  lives  and  firefides,  and  in  the  wonderful  prov- 
idence of  God,  left  alone  on  the  theatre  of  the  world,  abandoned 
of  every  nation,  and  contending  with  or  rather  trufting  to  the  tncr- 
ty  and  magnnnimlty  of  the  nation  ice  aitachd,  invaded,  and  meant, 
with  the  aid  of  the  tyrant,  to  dcftroy. 

Fellow  ciiize/ts,  we  ceafe  this  catalogue  of  public  ivces — of  fo 
many  dreadful  evils  brought  on  us  by  ttieri  who  were  to  amend znd. 
improve  our  condition — men  who  fcorned  the  fafe  and  profperous 
policy  of  Wafliington  and  liis  friends ;  and  promised  to  the  people 
that  they  fliould  be  without  wars,  taxes,  navies,  armies,  public 
<lcbts,  loans  and  numerous  officers  of  government.  Inftead  of 
which,  they  have  done  nothing  else  but  create  and  incrcafe  all  thefe 

We  ceafe  to  fpeak  of  this  long  courfe  of  downward  and  de- 
ftruflive  mif-government.     But  IJiail  we  interpofc  no  remedy  ? — 


Are  fuch  tnen  and  nieafures  longer  to  be  upheld  ?  Surely  it  13 
time  to  think  of  a  remedy ;  and  what  other  prefents  iifelf,  what 
other  ought  we  to  take,  but  to  make  a  general  and  tlwrough 

All  governments,  at  times,  arc  forced  to  change  the  men  in  ad- 
niinlftration,  or  pcrifh  by  their  faults  and  continuance. 

What  caufes  or  complaints  to  be  compared  with  thofe  we  have 
enumerated,  induced  us  to  raife  thefe  men  into  power  who  com- 
plained and  promifed  fo  much  ?  and  to  put  thofe  out  of  power 
who  under  Wafhington  had  made  us  great  and  proipcrous  ? 

It  is  full  time  for  a  people  who  have  fo  patiently  endured  fuch 
evils,  and  defire  at  length  to  efcape  from  tliem,  to  put  their  affairs 
in  other  hands.  Let  us,  fellow  citizens,  endeavour  to  get  back  to 
Peace  and  to  the  Wafliington  policy. 

Even  fhould  a  forced  peaca  on  paper  be  announced,  let  us  take 
care  to  maintain  and  improve  it  by  placing  in  evei-y  department  of 
the  general  and  fbite  governments  the  Friends  of  Peace. 

The  men  in  power  have  forfeited  all  conhdence.  They  found 
us  in  peace  and  profperity — their  courfe  was  foretold — they  have 
involved  us  in  difunion,  lofl:  rights  and  poverty. 

Should  this  direful  conteft  unhappily  be  ccniiinied,  can  this  na- 
tion longer  truft  her  honor,  fafety  and  exiftence  in  fuch  feeble 
hands  ?  Our  greatefl:  enemies  could  not  have  devi.fed  plans  more 
injurious  to  American  interefts. 

Whether  we  have  war  or  peace,  let  us  restore  to  our  councils  the 
experience,  the  wifdom  and  the  policy,  which  raifed  our  nation  to 
fuch  exalted  greatnefs. 

We  befeech  you,  fellow  citizens,  to  lay  afide  mere  party  attach- 
ments, and  look  at  the  flate  of  the  country.  Reflefl  that  fuch 
continued  and  great  evils  could  not  have  come  on  us  but  by  the 
moft  egregious  folly  and  misrule.  Indeed  the  path  of  wifdom 
and  fecurity  feemed  plain.  Let  a  thorough  change  be  ma^lc  :  fear 
not  that  it  can  be  worfe  for  us.  The  friends  of  Wafliington  and 
peace  will  not  betray  or  defert  their  country.  Give  them  the 
means  of  direding  and  aiding  it,  by  your  fuffrages,  and  they  will, 
not  dlfappoint  your  hopes. 

This  Convention  addreffes  itfelf  to  the  People  of  New-Jcrfey. — 
Thefe  ruinous  meafures,  and  this  hateful,  moft  unneceflliry  and 
wafteful  TiJ^r,  cannot  be  laid  to  thcticcount  of  the  people :  we 
know  on  the  contrary  that  they  are  diflatisfied,  injured,  and  defire 
to  be  relieved  from  fo  many  prefent  fufferings  and  expected  dan- 
gers. Thefe  meafures,  and  this  war,  and  all  thefe  miferies,  flow 
from  a  weak,  infatuated  admiuistratio/i— from  men  in  ^^-r,  upheld 



by  delufions  and  promifes,  and  whofe  intcrcfts  and  obftinacy  com- 
bine to  encourage  and  maintain  plans  and  principles  which  have 
proved,  as  was  foretold,  the  bane  of  public  profperity. 

It  is  our  duty  to  be  plain. — We  repeat  our  unfeigned  belief  that 
there  muft  be  an  entire  removal  oi  vifionary  men  and  the  friends 
of  this  war,  in  every  flate  and  department  of  legiflation,  before 
the  blefTuigs  of  peace  and  of  good  government  can  be  reftored. 
The  remedy  is  in  our  own  hands.  Let  us  all  firmly  resclve  (how- 
ever we  muft  endure  the  existing  evils  with  fortitude  and  patience) 
that  the  freedom  of  suffrage  fhall  finally  re-eftablifh  the  Friends  of 
Peace  and  the  Policy  of  Waihington. 

Signed  by  order  of  the  Convention, 

WILLIAM  COXE,  Prtsident. 

V,  Davenport,  Secretary. 



DEEPLY  afFe£led  by  the  gloom  which  furrounds  the  deftiny 
of  thefe  dates,  reduced  to  a  condition  fo  precarious,  by  a  courfe 
of  mtsrule  not  to  be  paralleled,  this  convention  neverthelefs,  con- 
fiding in  the  final  difcernment  and  virtue  of  the  people^  do  not 
defpair  of  the  republic.  We  will  not  confound  the  people  and  the 
men  in  office.  This  convention  is  free  to  declare  they  believe  the 
peopky  of  whatever  party,  mean  the  good  and  the  profpcrity  of 
their  country.  It  is  to  a  virtuous  and  independent  body  of  citi- 
zens thefe  proceedings  are  addrefled.  We  are  perfuaded  they  will 
not  uphold  an  adminiftration  or  fet  of  men  in  oflice,  if  convinced 
of  their  unfimefs  and  mif-government.  Errors  and  deceptions 
have  been  thickly  fown,  and  produced  the  greateft  calamities.— 
Happy  if  becoming  wife  by  our  experience  and  misfortunes,  wC 
Jhall  all  at  length  perceive  the  cause  of  them — the  weak,  violent 
and  fatal  meafures  of  the  men  in  power,  and  turn  for  redrefs  as  is 
done  in  fuch  extremities,  to  a  new  and  a  better  adniinistraiion^: 

Resolvedj  That  at  the  enfuing  ele£lion  for  Reprefentatives  in 
Congrefs,  it  be  recommended  to  the  Free  Ele£lors  of  New-Jerfey 
to  fuppqrt  with  their  united  exertions,  the  following  Ticket : 






and  alfo  WILLIAM  B.  EWING,  as  Representative  in  the  Con- 
gress of  the  United  States,  in  the  place  of  Jacob  Hufty,  Esq.  de- 

To  thefe,  the  country  may  confidently  look  for  the  fupport  of 
its  true  honour  and  profperity.  They  will  reftore  peace  if  it 
can  now  be  obtained  without  national  degradation,  or  if  war  muft 
be  continued,  they  will  not  difgrace  Americans  :  And  in  rcfpetTl  to 
Reprefentatives  for  the  State  Legislaiuref  this  convention  do  earn- 


eftly  recbnimcud  it  to  the  people  in  each  county  to  hold  mceti:igs, 
make  noiriinations,  and  ufe  all  diligence  and  prudence  io  prevent 
the  reeledlion  of  the  advocates  of  the  loavy  and  of  fuch  a  ruinous 
£ourfe  of  policy  ;  and  in  their  places  to  return  men  known  to  be 
attached  to  peace  and  to  the  Wafhingion  policy. 

Whereas  the  right  of  the  people  to  express  their  opinions  upon 
the  condiicl  of  men  in  office^  their  ability  and  motives,  is  brought  in- 
to qucftion,  the  perfons  now  in  ofhce  and  their  adherents  denom- 
inating it  "moral  treafon"  and  "enmity  to  the  country" for  the 
people  to  fpcak  and  vote  againft  them  and  their  meafures  ;  as  if  in 
their  ruinous  and  changing  acls,  opinions  and  policy,  were  to  be 
found  American  liberty  and  independence — 

We  the  Convention  of  Friends  of  Peace  in  New-Jerfey,  for 
ourfeJves  and  tl\e  great  numbers  of  freemen  whom  we  reprefent, 
do  PROTEST  againft  fuch  flavifli  and  anti-republican  principles. 

W~e  hold  it  the  firft  and  mod  precious  of  all  rights,  that  the 
people  enjoy  perfecSl  freedom  of  opinion,  of  speech y2inA  of  suffrage. 
No  matter  who  the  men  are,  or  ivhat  their  meafures,  nor  with 
what  pretences  of  purity,  wifdom  and  patriotifm,  they  claim  pow- 
er, or  profecute  their  fchemes  of  policy  and  government  :  every 
citizen  and  every  clafs  of  men  in  fociety  may  freely  examine  the 
condu6l  and  ability  of  thofe  entrufted  with  their  deareft  rights,  and 
adl  according  to  their  honeft  convictions.  Thcfe  rights  are  fo  necef- 
fary  and  undoubted,  this  convention  will  not  impair  their  ineflima- 
ble  value  fo  much  as  to  debate  their  exigence  or  extent. 

The  people  who  elecJ  men  to  oihce  for  the  good  of  the  country, 
ITiay,  if  their  meafures  prove  injurious  to  the  commonwealth,  or,if 
believed  incapable  or  corrupt,  turn  them  cut  of  ofTice  for  the  good 
of  their  country,  and  choofe  again. 

The  means  to  effedl  this  necefTarily  make  a  part  of  their  rights. 
Thefe  means  arc  the  liberties  of  opinion,  of  fpeecli,  of  the  prefs  and 
of  fulTrage.  They  muft  all  be  ufed,  and  freemen  have  a  right  to  ufe 
them,  in  order  to  fave  the  country  from  a  continuance  in  power  of 
weak  or  wicked  men — men  who  by  breaches  of  the  conftitution, 
arbitrary  power,  ufelefs  taxes  and  extravagance,  unnecefl'ary  and 
impolitic  war,  or  any  other  mifchievous  policy,  threaten  the  ruin 
of  the  nation.  If  thofe  who  have  got  into  olRce  and  govern  as 
they  will,  (hall  contend  that  expofure  of  ihem  and  the  abuses  of 
their  trust,  whether  from  folly  or  wilful  mt-afures  of  violence  and 
wrong,  is  "  oppofiiion  to  the  country  and  the  government,"  we 
repeat  our  protest  againfl  fuch  manifeft  arrogaiice  and  infult  to 
the  common  fenfe  of  mankind.  Silence  and  passive  okedience  to 
•Ai^G  of  folly,  opprclhon  and  national  ruin,  never  were  and  never 


ought  to  be  impofeJ  upon  the  good  people  of  thcfe  flates.  On  ihis 
point,  those  are  the  real  enemies  of  their  country  who  fupport  and 
countenance  the  opinion  that  the  men  in  office  are  infallible,  and 
glofs  over  their  mal-condu6l  and  deftrudive  meafures,  by  calling 
fuch  meafures  the  "  government."  Thofe  are  the  enemies  of  re- 
pubUcan  and  good  government,  who  by  threats,  mobs,  niaflacres 
and  abufe,  endeavour  to  crufli  the  freedom  of  fpecch  and  of  the 
prefs,  and  prevent  the  people  from  removing  from  public  truft 
thofe  who  abufe  it. 

How  are  the  dreadful  evils  of  power  abufed,  and  of  a  whole 
people  falling  into  the  depths  of  public  and  private  ruin,  to  be 
averted,  if  to  complain  of,  expofc  and  conftitutionally  refill  fuch 
men  and  meafures  is  "  enmity  to  the  country"  ? 

If  t|:ie  constitution  is  violated  by  the  perfons  in  office,  the  better 
to  execute  their  fchemes  of  Icgiflation,  and  perpetuate  their  party 
and  power,  (hall  thefe  acts  pafs  into  precedent  and  remain  unrew 
drefled,  becaufe  to  expofe  the  fad  and  the  deFinqiient  is  *'  oppofi- 
tlon  to  government"  ? 

If  the  president  makes  or  interprets  laws,  arming  fubaltern 
agents  with  illegal  instruHions,  giving  them  power  over  men's  per- 
fons, property  and  lives,  without  trial  by  judge  and  jury,  and  the 
forms  of  legal  proceedure  : 

If  majorities  in  congrefs,  impelled  by  motives  of  party  and  paf- 
fion,  or  governed  by  implicit  reliance  on  executive  meflages,  or 
acting  under  honeft  but  erroneous  views  of  the  public  good,  pro- 
ceed to  meafures  and  perfevere  in  fyftems  ftriking  at  the  profperi- 
ty  and  endangering  the  exiftence  of  the  union  : 

If  having  power  only  to  "  regulate*'  trade,  congrefs  fliould  in  a 
time  of  peace  by  a  law  deftroy  it  : 

If  they  fhould  give  away  millions  out  of  the  public  treafury  for 
"foreign". territories,  or  obtain  them  by  "  conqueft,-'  through  the 
expenfe  and  horrors  of  war,  when  fuch  acceffions  are  difputed, 
worthlefs  or  an  encumbrance  : 

If  then  they  fiiould  ere£l  thefe  territories  into  new  states  op- 
pofed  to  commerce,  giving  thereby  a  preponderance  to  a  fouthern 
policy  and  domination,  molt  deftrudlive  to  the  conititutional 
weight  of  the  antient  ftates,  or  any  of  them,  and  fubverfive  of 
their  eflential  interefts  and  profperity  : 

If  when  their  country  is  at  peq;;e  and  more  profperous  than  any 
other  nation  in  its  commerce,  yielding  a  revenue  of  fixteen  mil- 
lions, exceeding  in  amount  any  former  year,  they  in  that  very  year 
(on  a  lopfe  fuggeftion  of  the  executive)  without  fuflPering  debate, 
lliould  arreft  and  prohibit  all  trader  and  that  permanently,  laying 


up  fuddenly  fourteen  hundred  thousand  tons  bf  shippings  vith  aH 
their  immcnfe  connections  and  relations  to  induftrjr  and  wealth, 
on  pretence  of  the  poflibility  of  lofmg  a  fmall  part : 

If  after  thefc  embargoes  and  noi'-intercourfe  with  the  world 
are  continued  five  years,  and  nigh  all  our  {hip<:,  failors  and  trade 
lost  hy  fuch  felf  dcflrudlive  meafures  and  fjcrifjces  made  to  pro- 
voke England  and  aid  the  grand  fcheme  of  her  enemy  ;  if  then, 
after  deftroying  the  objeGs  of  war  ourfelves,  a  majority  in  con- 
grefs  (hould  declare  war  for  injuries  done  to  (hips,  failors  and 
commerce,  by  England : 

If  this  war  is  declared  without  notice  to  hundreds  of  our 
fliips  in  foreign  ports — with  revenue  gone,  our  harbours  and  towns 
unguarded,  without  (hips  of  war,  men,  money,  magazines  or  prep- 
aration : 

If  with  ftate  diffentions  and  clafliing  intciefls,  divided  coun- 
cils, and  againft  the  wifties,  opinions  and  remonftrances  of  mil- 
lions  of  the  people,  a  majority  in  congrefs  fhould  be  found  fo 
rafh  and  loft  to  confrquences  as  to  risk^  under  fuch  circumftan- 
ces,  the  union  and  great  interefts  of  thefe  ftates,  to  the  chance  of 
WAR,  when  to  defer  the  time  and  prepare  the  means  was  in  its 
choice  : 

If  that  wai  is  declared  againft  the  moft  po-iverful  nation  in  the 
world,  in  a  moft  unexampled  pofture  of  preparation,  efpecially 
on  the  ocean — our  own  territories  on  all  fides  acceflible  to  the 
approach  cf  her  fleets,  giving  our  enemy  at  once  the  mastery  of 
the  pretended  cbjeEis  of  the  war,  "  free  trade  and  failors'  rights," 
almoft  ruined  long  before  war  was  declared  by  our  own  z€i%  oi 
folly  and  paiTion  : 

If  before  the  horrid  evils  of  the  war  had  set  in,  and  before  its 
declaration  was  ever  known  to  England,  that  government  removed 
the  principal  pretended  c^ufe,  and  afterwards  propofed  an  artms- 
tice,  ofr<£ring  immediately  to  negociate  a  friendly  fettlement  of  re- 
maining complaints;  i/"  yet  the  men  in  power  ftiould  rtjeB  the 
armifticc  and  negociation,  prefering  to  rifque  their  country  and 
a/I  its  rights  and  JjlefTings  upon  the  issue  of  the  siuord  : 

If,  inftead  of  Jottifying  their  harbours  and  preparing  for 
defence  on  the  feaboard,  building  ftiips  of  war  and  aflailing  the 
trade  of  the  enemy,  the  men  in  power  fiiould  leave  the  commer- 
cial towns  and  populous  diftri<fts  on  the  fea-coaft  without  troops 
or  defence,  and  meditate  plans  of  conquest  a  thoufand  miles  from 
the  ocean— the  conqoeft  of  a  cold  and  worthlefs  country  beyond 
the  frozen  lakes  of  the  north — expending  in  two  years,  one  hun- 
dred tnillionr,  in  vain  and  difgraccful  attempts  to  conquer  Canada  • 


Ir  the  men  thus  making  this  war  and  direfling  It  (hould  from 
the  beginning  conduHxt  without  intelligence,  vigour  or  fyftem,  baf- 
fled, defeated  and  difgraced  by  a  few  weak  and  almoft  defencelefs 
colonifts,  unprepared  (in  the  confidence  of  our  friendihip  and  juf- 
tice^  to  refift  the  horrors  of  invaGon,  and  bayonets  prepared  for 
their  bofoms  : 

If  military  commands  are  given  by  the  prefident  and  his  coun- 
cils to  men  who,  one  after  the  other  without  exception,  prove 
hughing  flocks  for  the  world,  facrificing  the  lives  of  thoufandsof 
brave  Americans  by  rafhnefs,  ignorance  and  cowardice,  and  bring- 
ing difgrace  on  the  American  name  : 

If  a  fcene  of  profligate  and  bctwdless  ivaste  of  the  public  trea- 
sure  cnfues,  unparalleled  in  any  country,  and  pervading  every  de- 
partment and  quarter : 

If  wc  and  our  pofterity,  at  the  end  of  only  two  years,  are  invol- 
ved in  one  hundred  millions  of  neiu  debt,  by  a  difgraceful  war  : 

If  all  this  has  been  incurred  by  the  men  in  office,  befides  the  lof*- 
of  as  much  more  to  private  citizens,  by  the  deftru<Slion  of  property 
and  bufinefs,  and  yet  not  a  fingle  object  attained  by  them  for  the 
country,  unlefs  the  objeds  of  the  war  were  to  aid  the  tyrant,  feed 
and  enrich  the  makers  of  it  and  their  ofRcial  partizans,  and  to 
create  new  props  to  their  power  by  multiplying  innumerable  and 
Infatlable  bands  of  army  agents,  contractors  and  dependents  on  tl^ 
war  : 

If  the  Canadas  remain  unconquered,  and  even  our  own  ter- 
ritory and  fortrefles  are  poflefled  by  our  enemy  : 

If  our  luhole  seaboard^  and  every  river  and  inlet  is  blockaded,  and 
our  tonuns  become  the  fcenes  of  bloodlhed,  fire  and  rapine  : 

If  o\xx  jronUer  fettlements  have  undergone  and  are  expofed  to 
the  mod  dreadful  effects  of  favage  warfare  and  retaliation  for  A- 
meriean  invasign  and  cruelties  : 

If  our  armies,  notwithflanding  the  immenfe  levies  authorized 
by  acts  of  congrefs,  and  the  millions  of  money  appropriated  for 
their  enlifiment  and  fupport,  are  diminished znd  diminishing,  whilft 
the  war  and  the  enemy  are  becoming  more  terrible  : 

If  our  ships  cf  war  are  blocked  up  and  difmantled  : 

If  our  gun- boats,  merchant  fhips,  letters  of  marque  and  pri- 
vateers, are  laid  up,  captured  or  deftroyed,  with  but  few  excep- 
tions : 

If  our  coafling  vefTels,  packets  and  fmall  craft,  with  their  car- 
goes, are  by  hundreds  made  prize  of  or  burnt : 

If  the  militia  of  the  feveral  itates,  after  all  the  treafure,  taxes 
and  loans  fpent  for  regular  armlcf*  are  drafted,  marched  to  the 


frontiers,  made  to  perform  garrifon  duty  and  kept  pofting  from' 
place  to  place  for  the  fafety  of  defencelefs  villages,  at  an  expenfe 
of  time,  lofs  and  public  money,  not  to  be  eftimated,  and  if  this 
mufl:  be  continued  : 

If  national  bankruptcy  is  at  hand,  public  accounts  in  arrear,  to 
the  amount  of  millions  concealed  and  even  unlocked  at,  as  the 
fecretary  at  war  declares  -,  the  armies  unrecruited  and  military 
Itores  and  magazines  unprovided  : 

If  all  the  /^opes  and  schemes  of  a  fliort -fighted  cabinet  from  tlie 
fuccefs  of  a  wicked  tyrant  over  the  liberties  of  Europe,  are  termin- 
ated by  his  downfal  : 

If  the  abufed  and  deceived  people  of  thefe  United  States,  in 
every  quarter, y^f/  nothing  but  the  prelTiire  of  taxes,  of  high  prices, 
and  diflrclTcs  produced  by  the  deftrudlion  of  life,  property  and 
businefs : 

If  thefe  are  to  them  the  only  fruit  of  a  war  which  they  were  told 
fliould  redrefs  their  wrongs  and  encircle  us  with  conqueft  and 

If,  looking  hack^  nothing  is  reviewed  but  empty  promifes,  vain 
boaflings,  errors,  slaughter,  defeats  and  waftefulnefs ;  and  furvey- 
ing  the  prospect  before  usy  we  find  our  country  without  a  friend 
among  the  powers  of  the  earth,  all  nationst  viewing  us  as  the  con- 
federates of  the  tyrant  againft  their  liberties  : 

If  we  perceive  an  enemy,  triumphant  over  the  mightieft:  dangers, 
furrounded  with  glory  and  power,  pouring  her  liberated  fhips  and 
armies  upon  our  defencelefs  waters  and  population,  in  an  over- 
whelming torrent  of  war,  to  meet  our  challenge  and  revenge  in- 
juries and  aggression  in  time  of  her  diflrefs  : 

If  inftead  of  pretended  rights  fccured,  and  territories  conquer- 
ed by  war,  (with  as  yet  fcarce  an  effort  of  the  enemy)  our  cabinet 
mufl  fuppllcate  and  receive  peace  from  the  clemency  of  Englaiid,  or 
fight  on  through  a  hopelefs  and  fatal  war,  risking  our  very  exist- 
ence as  a  nation  : 

If  the  men,  who  by  calumnies  and  popular  delusions,  wrefled 
the  adminiftration  of  public  affairs  from  the  friends  of  Wafhing- 
ton  and  liis  policy — who  promifed  more  of  republican  purity  and 
moderation,  more  economy  and  equality,  more  ability  to  govern, 
more  profperity  at  home  and  abroad,  and  Icfs  of  falaries,  ofUces, 
taxes,  armies,  navies,  and  foreign  entanglements — have,  on  the 
contrary,  purfued  the  very  opposite  courfe  : 

If  thefe  pretended  patriots,  intent  chiefly  on  olTice,  emolument, 
party  afcendancy  and  power,  have  failed  to  perform  a  single  prom- 
ise, or  reform  a  single  grievance  complained  of — but  by  a  baneful, 


visionary  and  headlong  courfe  of  passion,  folly  and  extravagance, 
have  overturned  the  fure  foundations  of  national  profjierity  laid 
by  Wafliington  and  the  Federal  Republicans  of  America,  fquan- 
dering  away  the  blood,  treafure  and  fecurities  of  the  nation,  with- 
out object  or  attainment  of  one  public  advantage,  to  compenfate 
for  fuch  a  feries  and  mafs  of  evil  : 

If  all  these  acts  and  conslquences  have,  in  fourteen  years, 
flowed  from  the  men  who  changed  the  policy  cf  Washitigtotif  and 
have  purfued,  and  are  now  purfuing,  and  will  pcrfevere  in  thefe 
courfes  of  public  ruin  (and  all  thefe  grievances  do  manifeflly  ex- 
ift)  — then  let  it  be  asked — who  is  the  "enemy  to  his  country 
and  her  rights"— -He  who  countenances  and  supports  fuch  men  and 
measures^  or  he  who  would  save  it  from  entire  deflruction,  by  re- 
moving from  truil  fuch  unworthy  violaters  of  the  people's  bed  in- 
terefts  and  the  nation's  good  ? 

This  Convention  aflert  the  necessity  and  the  right  of  making 
fuch  a  change — they  resolve,  therefore,  that  all  attempts  to  fllgma- 
tise  the  friends  of  peace  and  reforniy  with  difafFection  to  their 
country,  are  violations  of  the  rights  of  freemen :  That  all  means 
ufed  by  the  men  in  power  or  advocates  of  fuch  deftruciive  mea- 
fures,  to  intimidatethe people, by  reprefenting  their  juft  complaints, 
under  oppression  and  impending  ruin,  as  factious  and  treafonable, 
are  violations  of  public  liberty,  and  if  fubmitted  to,  public  evils 
will  be  incurable  and  the  domination  of  weak  or  unprincipled 
men  be  perpetual :  It  being  evident  that  to  oppofe  bad  men  or 
meafures,  and  to  change  them,  is  not  opposition,  but  fupport  of 
good  government. 

This  Convention,  therefore,  do  recommend  to  all  their  fellow- 
citizens  to  aflert  their  rights  of  opinion  and  fuffrage,  and  if  they 
believe  such  men  and  meafures  will  ruin  the  country,  whatever 
former  queflions  divided  them,  to  join  in  one  common  effort  to 
change  the  adminiftrations  of  the  general  and  flate  governments, 
as  their  only  chance  of  relief  from  fo  many  grievances. 

Whereas  the  war,  hitherto  fo  difgraceful  and  desolating,  was 
declared  againll  the  remonflrances  and  opinions  of  a  large  propor- 
tion of  the  people  of  thefe  ftates,  and  in  all  probability  by  a  ma- 
jority ;  and  wliereas,  in  conducting  it,  the  government  has 
tfxcluded  the  friends  of  federal  policy,  and  of  peace,  who  have  no 
power  or  influence,  and  ought  not  therefore  to  be  responsible  for 
the  calamitous  events  which  fuch  a  war  mufl  produce :  This  Con- 
vention, for  itfelf  and  its  conftituents,  do  avow  their  mod  devot- 
ed love  and  attachment  to  their  country,  its  conftltutlons  and  prof- 
perity  :    They  are  opprefled  with  grief  and  alarm  at  the  dangers 



and  diftrefles  which  encompafs  it :  They  yield  to  no  clamorous 
partisati  of  the  men  in  power,  or  fenfelefs  pretender  to  extraor- 
dinary patriotifm,  in  real  attachment  to  the  honor  and  jufl  triumphs 
of  the  American  character ;  and  they  are  incapable  of  any  fenti- 
ment  or  wi(h  derogatory  to  the  eflential  rights  of  the  nation  :  But 
inafmuch  as  the  acts  of  the  men  in  power  have  been  fo  deftruc- 
tive  of  both  character  and  rights — as  the  friends  of  peace  and  the 
Wafliington  policy  are  excluded  from  the  cabinet  councils  and 
pofiefs  no  control  over  the  adminiftration  of  public  affairs  ;  as  in 
regard  to  this  war,  they  deemed  it  the  mod  unneceffary,  impolitic, 
u'icked  ahd  deftructive  meafure  ever  ventered  upon  by  a  deluded 
and  defperate  party :  As  this  Convention  and  their  conftituents 
have  no  hope  in  the  removal  of  public  grievances  while  fuch  men 
retain  power  and  confidence,  and  «s  they  cannot  in  duty  to  God 
and  their  confcience  outwardly  approve  what  is  mod  abhorrent 
to  their  feelings  and  judgment — Therefore  they  deem  it  fit  to  de- 
clare that  they  difregird  the  reproach  of  not  volunteering  their 
lives  and  fortunes  in  favor  of  this  war :  They  have  no  lot  in  the 
councils  of  the  war — in  army  commissions  and  military  com- 
mands, they  undoubtedly  believe  that  under  fuch  men  as  rule 
in  the  cabinet  and  camp,  no  people,  whatever  their  rights,  their 
numbers  or  means,  can  profper  either  in  peace  or  war.  Thofe 
who  made  and  advocate  the  war  and  the  conductors  of  it,  have 
not  wanted  numbers  or  means :  Though  the  inftigators  of  it  keep 
at  a  diftance  from  danger,  yet  they  have  had  the  refources  of  a 
great  and  flourifliing  country — Millions  on  millions  have  been 
at  their  disj)ofal — In  two  years  they  have  dissipated  the  whole  on 
an  inglorious  anddifaflrous  war,  and  now  call  upon  the  oppofers 
of  fuch  policy  and  conduct  to  join  their  defperate  ftandard — to  rufh 
headlong  into  their  ranks,  and  be  led  under  their  generals  and 
commanders  to  difgrace  and  certain  deflruction. 

This  Convention  and  the  friends  of  peace  will  obey  the  laws, 
will  defend  their  country,  if  invaded,  at  every  point,  and  neither 
in  peace  or  war  yield  any  clear  and  effential  right.  It  is  a  high 
confolatioQ  to  the  friends  of  Washington  and  his  policy,  that 
whatever  of  naval  or  military  honor  could  fpring  from  fuch  a 
contefl,  it  has  been  the  refult  of  federal  valor.  But  under  fuch 
men  as  now  direct  the  public  councils,  under  fuch  commanders, 
nnd  for  objects  of  conqueft  and  injuflice,  this  Convention  cannot 
but  warn  their  felloA'-citizens  that  if  they  are  much  longer  per- 
mitted to  mis-rule — if  and  rights  are  not  foon  fecured  by  a 
change  of  administration^  it  may  be  too  late  for  either  peace  or  war 
to  fave  our  country. 


This  Convention  do  therefore  Resclve^  that  in  their  opinion 
the  way  to  a  treaty  of  honor  and  fpeedy  return  of  peace  to  our 
abufed  and  endangered  country,  is  not  to  join  in  clamours  for 
war  and  blood,  but  to  fliew  our  real  desire  for  peace  witli  Eng- 
land by  removing  from  our  councils  the  agents  and  inflruments  of 
war.  This  Convention  is  firmly  convinced  that  England  would 
have  rejoiced  in  peace,  and  even  yet,  though  aggravated  to  the 
laft  degree,  might  embrace  it  on  honorable  terms  to  our  country, 
if  fhe  could  proceed  with  confidence  in  the  sincerity  and  honor 
which  characterised  the  cabinet  of  Wafliington.  Until  that  hap- 
py period  arrives,  this  Convention  recommend  patience  under 
fulFering,  a  courageous  fpirit  in  defence  of  our  country  andhomes, 
when  invaded — but  remembering  that  all  the  precious  blood  and 
treafure  which  this  war  mud  cofl:,and  all  its  awful  confequences, 
are  chargeable  on  the  heads  of  thofe  who  encouraged  and  made  it. 

In  page  lo,  fitft  line  of  firft  paragraph,  for  acts  read  arts. 
Page  14,  third  line,  for  that  read  tbey. 

?age  16,  ninth  line,  {or  giving  xtz^  groiving,    i8th  line,  for  contrast- 
J  read  contrcctors. 



Extract  from  Mr.   IFchgtcr's   Speech,  delivered  in  the  House    oj 
Itepiesentatives  of  the  United  States,  li/A  January,  181*. 

"WHEN  we  ask,  fir,  for  the  caufes  of  thefe  difappointmcnts, 
we  are  told  that  they  are  owing  to  the  oppofitiou  which  the  war 
encounters  in  this  houfe,  and  among  the  people.  All  the  evils 
which  affliif^  the  country  are  imputed  to  oppofjtion.  This  is  the 
fafhionable  dodlrine  both  here  and  clfewhere.  It  is  faid  to  be  ow- 
ing to  oppofition  that  the  war  became  neceflary  ;  and  owing  to 
oppofition  alfo  that  it  has  been  profecuted  wich  no  better  fuccefs. 

"  This,  fir,  is  no  new  ftrain.  It  has  been  fung  a  thoufand  times. 
It  is  the  conflant  tune  of  every  weak  or  wicked  adminiftration. 
What  minifler  ever  yet  acknowledged,  that  the  evils  which  fell 
on  his  country  were  the  neceflary  confequences  of  his  own  inca- 
pacity, his  own  folly,  or  his  own  corruption  ?  What  pofleflnr  of 
political  power  ever  yet  failed  to  charge  the  mifchiefs  refulting 
from  his  own  meafures,  upon  thofe  who  had  uniformly  oppofed 
thofe  meafures?  The  people  of  the  United  States  may  well  re- 
member the  adminiflration  of  lord  North.  He  loft  America  to 
his  country  ;  yet  he  could  find  pretences  for  throwing  the  odium 
upon  his  opponents.  He  could  throw  it  upon  thofe  who  had  fore- 
warned him  of  confequences  from  the  fivlt,and  who  had  oppofed 
him  at  every  ftage  of  his  difaftrous  policy  with  all  the  force  of 
truth,  reafon  and  talent.  It  was  not  his  own  weaknefs,  his  own 
ambition,  his  own  love  of  arbitrary  power,  whicli  difaffecf^ed  the 
colonies.  It  was  not  the  tea  ac^,  the  ftamp  ad,  or  the  Bofton 
port  bill,  that  fevered  the  empire  of  Britain.  Oh,  no! — it  was 
owing  to  no  fault  of  adminiflration.  It  was  the  work  of  oppo- 
fition. It  was  the  impertinent  boldnefs  of  Chatham  -,  the  idle  de- 
clamation of  Fox,  and  the  unfeafonable  farcafm  of  Barre  !  Thefc 
men,  and  men  like  them,  would  not  join  the  minifter  in  his  Amer- 
ican war.  They  would  not  give  the  name  and  chara<!>erof  wif- 
dom  to  that  which  they  believed  to  be  the  extreme  of  folly.  They 


would  not  pronounce  thofe  meafures  juft  and  honourable,  which 
their  principles  led  them  to  deteft.  They  declaied  the  miniftcrs' 
war  to  be  wanton.  They  forefaw  its  end,  and  pointed  it  out  plain- 
ly both  to  the  miniflcr  and  to  the  country. — He  pronounced  the 
oppofitlon  to  be  felfifh  and  fadious.  He  perfifted  in  his  courfe, 
and  the  refult  is  in  hiftory. 

"This  example  of  minifterial  juftice  feems  to  have  become  a 
model  for  thefe  times  and  this  country.  With  flight  (liades  of 
difference,  owinjr  to  different  degrees  of  talent  and  ability,  the 
imitation  is  fuiliciently  exa£l.  It  requires  little  imagination  to 
fancy  one's  self  fometimes  to  be  liftenrng  to  a  recitation  of  the 
captivating  orations  of  the  occupants  of  lord  North's  treafury 
bench.  We  are  told  that  oppofition  has  divided  the  government, 
and  divided  the  country.  Remember,  fir,  the  (late  of  the  gov- 
ernment and  of  the  country  when  war  was  declared.  Did  not 
differences  of  opinion  then  exill .'' — Do  we  not  know  that  this 
houfe  was  divided  ? — Do  we  not  know  that  the  other  houfe  was 
Hill  more  divided  .'' — Does  not  every  man  to  whom  the  public 
documents  are  acceffible,  know  that  in  that  other  houfe,  one  An- 
gle vote  having  been  given  otherwiCe  than  it  was,  would  have  re- 
je6led  the  z€i  declaring  war,  and  adopted  a  dilTerent  courfe  of 
m°afares  ?  A  parental,  guardian  government,  would  have  regard- 
ed that  (late  of  things.  It  would  have  weighed  fuch  confidera- 
tions — It  would  have  inquired  coolly  and  difpaffionately  into  the 
flate  of  public  opinion,  in  the  flates  of  this  confederacy — It  would 
have  looked  cfpecially  to  thofe  ftates  mofl  concerned  in  the  pro-^ 
fefTed  objedls  of  the  war,  and  whofe  Interefts  were  to  be  deeply 
afFe£led  by  it.  Such  a  government,  knowing  that  its  flrength 
confifted  In  the  union  of  opinion  among  the  people,  would  have 
taken  no  ftep  of  fuch  importance,  without  that  union  j  nor  would 
it  have  miflaken  mere  party  feeling  for  national  fcntiment." 

Extrad  from  J/r.  rUkin''s  Speech  on  the  Loan  Jiilh  ddhertd  in 
the  House  of  Jlcprcsentativcs  of  the  United  StaieSf  l^'ehruanj  lO^A, 

"THE  extravagant  expenditures  of  former  adminiflratlons, 
have  for  many  years  been  the  theme  of  both  public  and  private 
declamation,  as  well  as  denunciation.  It  may  be  ufeful  to  look 
back,  and  to  enquire  whether  the  praflice  of  thofe,  who  have  pro- 
fefTed  fo  much  ejonomy  in  the  expenditure  of  the  public  money, 
has  been  conformable  to  their  professions. 


Bv  recurring  to  official  documents,  fumifhcd  us  from  the  trca- 
fury'departmenf,  we  fliall  find  that  the  whole  expenfcs  of  the 
feveral  adminiftrrations,  (exclusive  of  the  public  debt)  have  been 
as  follows  : 

I.  The  adminiftration  of  president  Wafhington — 
The  whole  expenfe  for  military  and  naval  es- 

tablifliments,  Indian  department,  foreign  in- 

tercourfe,  Barbary  powers,  civil   lift,  and  all 

others,  (exclusive  of  public  debt)  from  March 

4th,   1789,  to    1797,  mclusive,  being  more 

than  eight  years,  was  Dols.  18,408,620  81 

1.  The  expenfe,  for  fame  objects,  during  the 

adminiftration  of  Mr.  Adams,  from  1798,10 

1801,  inclusive,  being  four  years — was  23,496,430  13 

Making  from  March  4th,  1789,  to  1801,  in-7  ^,g   ..905,050  94 

elusive,  being  12  years  and  ten  months,     3 

It  will  be  remembered,  that  this  fum  includes 
theexpenfesof  the  Indian  wars — about  one  mil- 
lion expended  in  fuppressing  an  infurrection 
in  Pennfylvnnia,  and  nearly  one  million  for  the 
releafe  of  American  prifoners  at  Algiers,  dur- 
ing president  Wafhington's  adminiftration,  and 
the  whole  expenfe  of  the  war  with  France,  in 
the  adminiftration  of  Mr.  Adams. 
3.  The  expenfe  for  the  fame  objects,  from  1 80.1 

to  181 1,  inclusive,  being   the  eight  years   of 

president  Jefferfon's   and   two  firft  years  of 

president  Madifon's   adminiftration,  making 

ten  years  in  the  whole,  were  S  54>437>478°^ 

Making  whole  expenfe  (exclusive  of  the  debt) ")    g  q6  04 1  020  co 
from  March  4th,  1786,  to  Dec.  31ft,  1811,   5        >  '^'^  *^  ^ 
Difference  between  the  expenfe  of  Wafliington 

and  Adams'  adminiftration, being  twelve  years 

and  ten  months,  and  the  adminftration  of  Jcf- 

ferfon  and  Madifon,  for  ten  years,  S  i?)543»'^27  12 

During  the  laft  period,  there   was  paid  under 

the  Louisiana  convention,  and  under  the  Brit- 

ifti  treaty,  and  included  in  the  above  expenfes,  S    6,361,000  00 
This  fum  was  not  equal  to  the   extraordinary 

expenfe   of  the   former   period  •,    each   may, 

therefore,  be  offset  againft  the  other — but  if 

deducted,  will  ftill  leave  a  diff'erence  of  S    6,182,027  00 


From  this  ftatcment,  taken  from  ofTicial  documents,  it  appears 
that  the  expenfe  of  the  military  tftablifiiment  alone,  for  the  year 
ending  on  the  30th  of  September,  1813,  was  greater  than  all  the 
expenfes  (exclusive  of  the  public  debt)  during  the  whole  of  the 
adminiftration  of  president  Wafliington.  Strange,  sir,  as  this 
may  feem,  it  is  nevevthelefs  true. 
From  the  30th  day  of  Sept.  1812,  to  the  30th 

day  of  Sept.  1813,  there  was  paid  from  the 

treafury,  for  the  military  department  alone,     S  18,484,756  49 
The  whole  expenfe  (exclusive  of  the  payments 

for  the  public  debt)  during  the   eight   years 

of   President    Wafhington's    adminiftration, 

was  oidy  18,408,020  81 

Leaving  a  difference  of  S    76,725  68 

The  eftimate  of  expenfes  for  the  military  department,  for  the 
year  18 14,  exceeds  by  about  one  million  of  dollars,  the  whole  ex- 
penfe (exclusive  of  the  debt)  of  Mr.  Adams'  adminiftration.  The 
expenfe  of  military  eftabliftiment,  for  the  prefent  year,  is  eftima- 
ted  at  more  than  twenty-four  millions  and  a  half,  and  the  whole 
expenfe  of  that  adminiftration,  (exclusive  of  debt)  was  a  little 
ftiort  of  twenty-three  millions  and  a  half.  Yes,  Mr.  Chairman, 
the  four  years  extravagance  of  president  Adams,  is  to  be  outdone 
by  the  war  department  alone,  during  the  prefent  year.  How  often 
have  we  been  reminded  both  here  and  elfewhere,  of  thofe  hard 
and  extravagant  times.  How  often  have  the  ftandlng  armies,  the 
expensive  navies,  the  8  per  cent,  loans,  and  the  enormous  and  op- 
pressive taxes  of  John  Adams,  been  refounded  through  every  part 
of  the  United  States — and  with  what  effect  ?  The  authors  of 
thofe  meafures  were  considered  as  unworthy  of  public  confidence. 
And  yet,  sir,  the  expenditures  of  thofe  times,  in  comparifon  with 
the  expenditures  of  the  prefent,  were  "  trifles  light  as  air."  In  no 
one  year  did  the  military  eftablifliment  of  Mr.  Adams  coft  more 
than  about  two  millions  and  a  half ;  for  the  prefent  year  it  is  ef- 
timated  at  more  than  twenty-four  millions.  Nor  did  he  expend 
upon  his  favorite  navy,  more  than  about  three  millions  and  a  half 
in  any  single  year  ;  the  expenfe  of  tlie  navy  this  year  is  cftimated 
at  6,900,000.  A  little  more  than  six  millions  was  then  borrowed 
at  8  per  cent.  This  adminiftration,  during  the  laft  year  borrow- 
ed twenty-two  and  a  lialf  millions  of  dollars,  at  about  the  fame 
rate  of  intercil,  and  we  are  now  called  upon  to  borrow  twenty- 
five  millions  more,  and  which  cannot,  probably,  be  obtained  on 
more  favorable  terms.     A  land  tax  of  two  millions  of  dollars  was 


Uien  laid,  with  other  internal  taxes.     A  land  tax  of  three  millions 
ifi  now  in  collection,  with  nearly  all  the  other  internal  taxes  of  Mr. 
Adams,  with  fome   additional   ones,  and  the  amount  of  them  is 
nearly  doubled  ;    and  it  is  agreed  that  another  land  tax  of  three 
millions  mud  be  laid  for  the  next  year.     I  will  not  fay  that  fome 
of  the  expenditures  of  thofe  times  might  not  have  been  extrava- 
gant ;  but  I  will  fay,  that  thofe  expenditures  were  economy,  even 
parsimony  itfelf,  when   compared  with  thofe  of  the  prefent  ad- 
The  expenfe  of  the  war,  at  the  clofe  of  the 
prefent  year,  at  the  prefent  edimated  rate  of 
expenditure,  will  exceed  the  whole  expendi- 
ture of  president  Walliington's   adminiftru- 
tioxi,  for  the  fame  objects,  S  60,545,3  1 1  44 

And  will  exceed  th^tof  president  Adams,  55,454,902  17